The direct bus between Alicante Airport and Torrevieja has started

The direct bus service between Alicante airport and Torrevieja has now started to highly competitive prices. With 8 departures from each “destination”, the bus company, Costa Azul, expects the route to transport about 100,000 passengers a year between the airport and Torrevieja. See departure times here.

Earlier, the two most popular solutions has been a taxi costing 40-50 € each way or a rented car for the ride. Taxi drivers have been worried about the new bus route, but has now had several short trips from the bus station in Torrevieja and beyond the local area. The bus runs non-stop between the airport and Torrevieja.

The price for a ticket has landed at € 6.79 per. passager. Several of the first passengers have already commented positively on prices, which allows them to spend the savings on attractions around Torrevieja.

The schedule for bus line is:

From Torrevieja bus station:
7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21


From Alicante airport:
10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22