We had actually decided that we should just spend a week looking at homes and areas, and then spend the next year’s time figuring out exactly how we would like an apartment. We had allied with another realtor, but after seeing about 15 different homes with first realtor, we had to try a different strategy. So it was with Mediter Real Estate and Carsten. Initially, we were actually quite surprised that Carsten didn’t really want to show us housing, but just drove us around the area so we could get to know it a little first. When he then showed us quite a few homes, we ended up (despite all our intentions) making a bid for our current apartment. It ended up being a trade with a death estate, has from it been a longer affair with respect to acquisition, but we quickly got keys and right of use for the home, against the deposit of the purchase price. The apartment was furnished, but otherwise emptied of all contents, so Mediter has been helpful with the purchase of extra furniture, bedding and much more. Even things like hanging hooks and toilet holders, Javier was helpful. Likewise, we have benefited from incredible helpfulness and advice on big and small issues that we may have and we are always greeted with the same smile and helpfulness no matter what our business has been.