Paramount Pictures theme park presented

Tuesday was the day when Paramount Pictures Vice-President, Mike Bartok came to Spain to sign the agreement of the them park, and lift slightly the veil of how that attraction will look like. Investments are expected to reach 1 billion Euros and will be employing more than 22,000 people, while construction will employ 16,500. Watch presentation video here.

The investment of 1 billion Euro will come from investors, and it’s once again been underlined that the region of Murcia, will not be among the investors.

Project makers behind the theme park acknowledge that they face a major challenge in attracting the large capital required, but is also confident, as they have received many expressions of interested investors.

The park is expected to open by Easter 2015, where 2.7 million visitors are expected the first year.

See presentation of the exciting new park by clicking on the link below.

Investeringen på 1 milliar Euro skal komme fra investorer, og det er endnu en gang blevet understreget at regionen Murcia, ikke vil komme med tilskud til parken.

Projektmagerne bag forlystelsesparken erkender at de står overfor en stor udfordring med at skaffe den store nødvendige kapital, men er dog samtidig fortrøstningsfulde, da de har fået mange tilkendegivelser fra interesserede investorer.

Parken forventes åbnet til påske 2015, hvor man regner med 2.7 millioner besøgende det første år.

Se præsentation af den nye spændende park ved at klikke på linket nedenfor.