The celebration of La noche de San Juan

Tonight is a night for celebration in Spain as La noche de San Juan is upon us. The night is celebrated throughout Spain and especially, the festivities in Alicante is an experience.

Along the coasts of Spain, bonfires made by old furniture, clothing and items, that are no longer in use, are lit up during the evening hours. Due to tradition, children and young people take a leap through the flames of the bonfire, while making a wish. As night goes on and the flames burn out, some people take a walk through the partially burned out bonfire rests of coal. Luckily for the brave and bold charcoal walkers, tradition continues with a cooling walk in the water of the beachfront.

The tradition is especially popular in the regions of Galicia, Catalonia and Valencia. In Alicante, the night of the 23. of June, marks the highlight of the largest festival in the city. When the hours round midnight, fireworks called the Palm »La Palmera« starts ending with the burning La Cremà, the nights grand final.

The festivities through the country differs widely. In the region of Andalusia you see the Fire-bull running through the streets. A man dressed as bull, with a device on his back, shooting fireworks. In the Region of Cadíz, the night is celebrated with burning of rag dolls called Juanillas on bonfires.

We wish you a festive and joyous evening, at this La noche de San Juan.